We wanted to acknowlege the American Cancer Society's work by developing an experience that celebrates all of the birthdays they're creating for everyone. We worked alongside The Martin Agency to bring renewed life to the organization’s MoreBirthdays.com website, creating a platform for the campaign’s shareable, interactive, and ongoing content. Visitors and their networks find valuable and timely content to help them celebrate birthdays and fight cancer. The experience is built in HTML 5 for cross-platform compatibility.

Select the way you want to celebrate your friend's brithday.

A responsive gallery showed off the artist and musician contributions.

Dontate by buying comissioned artwork as Gift Wrap and Posters.
Users could also join together in creating interactive, group birthday cards for their friends, contributing video, photo, and written messages. Utilizing Facebook Connect, the card pulls in photos that are tagged with both the sender and the recipient, bringing personalized memories into the experience quickly and easily.

Create a collaborative card for someone with a birthday coming up.

As each friend posts, the gallery fills up.

Upload a video or image and it gets created into a card.